Pics + Things
Lots of wonderful things!
This is the place to see original artworks from book covers, photos from recent events, and pictures of Holly's pets, as well as, your drawings, pictures of your pets and your stories and poems. To be featured here you will need to send Holly an email or a letter...A close up of Vasilisa's portrait from Moscow Your art
Vasilisa drew this lovely portrait and gave it to me in Moscow. Your art
I was given this lovely picture of The Loneliest Kitten. Your art
Avigail's gorgeous illustration of Koletta (Colette) from The Maskmaker's Daughter. Your art
This is Sophia with her gorgeous painting - thank you for reading Lost in the Snow! Your art
This is the back of Courtney's fab costume! World Book Day
This is such a creative World Book Day costume! Thank you, Courtney! World Book Day
Eva sent this fab drawing of Lucy the Poorly Puppy. Your art
I love this fab picture of me by Keira! Your art
This gorgeous poster was made by Nina in Germany! Your art