Pics + Things
Lots of wonderful things!
This is the place to see original artworks from book covers, photos from recent events, and pictures of Holly's pets, as well as, your drawings, pictures of your pets and your stories and poems. To be featured here you will need to send Holly an email or a letter...
This is gorgeous Quirk, who belongs to (or owns!) Keeva. Your pets

This is Annabel with her gorgeous Persian cat Mr - and her books! Photos from readers

This is gorgeous Buddy with Alma. Your pets

Katrina's beautiful cat Bow Bow from Hong Kong Your pets

This is Camille's beagle Coco - Coco loves being read to! Your pets

This is Zuzia's beautiful cat Fluffy, who obviously loves books! Your pets

This is Zuzia reading with her gorgeous cats, Mieszko and Fluffy Your pets

Another photo of Keeva's lovely cat Quirk! Your pets

This is Keeva's gorgeous cat, Quirk. Your pets

Orlagh with her book collection, and her gorgeous cats Lucky and Rocky! Your pets