Pics + Things
Lots of wonderful things!
This is the place to see original artworks from book covers, photos from recent events, and pictures of Holly's pets, as well as, your drawings, pictures of your pets and your stories and poems. To be featured here you will need to send Holly an email or a letter...A wonderful story inspired by the Rose books
Read More...A wonderful story by Beatrix, inspired by the Rose books. I'm hoping Beatrix carries on writing, I want to read more! Your stories

Sienna's amazing story, The Wild Wolf Your stories

A beautiful poem by Martina from Malta Your stories

This is Chloe's gorgeous story about Lily the Lonely Labrador - page six Your stories

This is Chloe's gorgeous story about Lily the Lonely Labrador - page five Your stories

This is Chloe's gorgeous story about Lily the Lonely Labrador - page four Your stories

This is Chloe's gorgeous story about Lily the Lonely Labrador - page three Your stories

This is Chloe's gorgeous story about Lily the Lonely Labrador - page two Your stories

This is Chloe's gorgeous story about Lily the Lonely Labrador - page one Your stories

Elisia's story was inspired by her nan's real dog Pearl! Your stories